Making a Global Impact
TechShare Co-CEO Matthew Herbert founded the TechShareUkraine initiative. Due to the ongoing war, Ukrainians are often forced to leave everything behind, including their personal devices. They need technology to communicate, study, get new jobs, and rebuild their lives. In response, Matthew coordinated across New Jersey and forged international partnerships with The Dignitas Fund, Montrose Software, and AMSO Komputery to collect donated technology and humanitarian aid. Matthew then transported these donations to Poland. In Kraków, Matthew worked with the humanitarian NGOs Team Kraków dla Ukrainy and Fundacja Kocham Dębniki Refugee Center to distribute the aid to local refugees and into Ukraine itself.

After returning from Poland, Matthew continued to raise awareness for Ukrainian refugees. At the TedxNewarkAcademy event, he gave a Ted Talk discussing how technology can be used to fight apathy towards global issues.